When does this error occur? Error 1010 occurs when your robot is returning to the dock during or after a mission and can no longer move across the space it had previously crossed to find the dock. What causes Error 1010? This error may occur when a new obstacle is in your robot's pat...
挺早买的一款iRobot ,很久没用,现在充电了一会儿以后,灯闪烁显示Error 5,能修么?厦门有维修的地方么?谢谢大家! 来自iPhone客户端5楼2018-08-25 13:29 回复(6) 小小王你好呀 中级粉丝 2 能找你修吗 6楼2018-10-16 11:15 回复(3) 智电之家 铁杆吧友 8 irobot无论哪款都是可以满足目前家庭使用...
Errors 4, 5 and 21 signify low current or an inability to charge.Clean the charging contacts on the Roomba and on the dock. Errors 6 and 7 mean the battery is too warm or too cold.Charge your Roomba in a comfortable room away from direct sunlight. Error 19 denotes a charging timeout....
You may encounter Error 15 on iRobot models of various generations. This error can occur after a firmware update, sometimes due to incompatibility or glitches within the new firmware version. The issue typically affects robots in use and is uncommon with new, out-of-the-box robots. Additionally...
Eight out of ten times, I receive a notification saying it couldn’t operate due to some frustrating error. Additionally, the side sweeping brush stopped working two months ago, which means it leaves behind clumps of dog hair after each run. Customer service informed me that a new module is...
I am getting Error 9 on Roomba iRobot Roomba S9 Plus 1个答案 1分 failed blades in vacuum motor iRobot Roomba S9 Plus 1个答案 2分 Changing tire treads on s9+ Roomba iRobot Roomba S9 Plus Troubleshooting For additional help with the iRobot Roomba S9 Plus, check out the device'stroubleshootin...
Roomba robot will show the charging error 8 due to static current on the robot or as a result of debris or gunk on the charging points of the robot or
In addition to that, the Roomba s9+ changes colors showing you what exactly it's doing - cleaning, returning to the base or alerting you to some error. This feature not only adds visual appeal to it but also is very useful since you can notice at a glance when the vac needs your ...
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Robot retries post error 121 Improvements to ‘drunken behaviors’ ‘Failed to evac’ issues at the end of a mission Version 3.14.16 Release Date: 05.10.2021Usability Improvements: Reduce long-lasting hazards on the mapping for better coverage Bugs Resolved: Customers reporting robot circling randoml...