Explore luxury in-room dining at the The Plaza hotel in New York City. An extensive 24-hours a day room service dining menu and catered special requests.
泰式凉拌粉丝蓝虾芫荽沙律配香茅汁(A) (N) (SF) (SU) 350 意大利水牛芝士伴番茄,牛油果罗勒沙律配陈年意大利黑醋汁 (D) (GF) (VG) 285 凯撒沙律伴蓝虾、脆烟肉、橄榄片及36个月陈年巴马臣芝士 (A) (D) (SF) (SU) 300/360 大利莱豆湯伴自家製配置勒多士 (A) (D) (N) (S) (VG) ...
1.Welcome to our hotel:欢迎光临我们的酒店 2.How may I help you?:我能帮您什么忙? 3.Please fill out this form:请填写这张表格 4.Here is your room key:这是您的房间钥匙 5.Enjoy your stay!:祝您住得愉快! 掌握这些基础的酒店英语词汇和表达将有助于你在实习期间更加流畅地与客人和同事沟通,提...
Enjoy luxurious in-room dining at The Little Nell in Aspen, with extensive menu options available 24 hours a day. Browse all our room service menus.
RoomService客房送餐服务 RoomService Roomserviceappliesonly wherethecustomerhasdecidedtoeatintheaccommodationroomofamotel,hotel,servicedapartmentorresort.RoomService客房送餐服务 Cloche RoomService客房送餐服务 ContinentalBreakfast RoomService客房送餐服务 EnglishBreakfast RoomService客房送餐服务 DoorKnobMenu Hangontheout...
In-room dining at Fairmont Le Montreux Palace is available for Hotel Guests every day 24h/24h with a reduced menu during the night. Perfect for early-risers, a private dinner for two, late night meals, or a small afternoon craving.Please dial 42 from your room. In-Room Service Menu Ev...
Our agents will first browse the hotel website to see if any room service information is available online. If there is no information, or very limited information, a call will be made to the hotel restaurant to see if they offer room service. We will pose as a future guest trying to se...
Enjoy a fine dining experience from the comfort and convenience of your luxury guest room or suite with in-room dining at Four Seasons Hotel Austin.
Information about Room Service at The Peninsula New York. Includes information on dress code, opening hours, location and contact numbers.
REDEFINING TRADITIONAL ROOM SERVICE Our culinary team can create bespoke in-house dining experiences, be it a barbecue for two on the terrace, an impromptu canapé party, a romantic tête-à-tête menu, detox dishes or serviced business lunches. ...