Outlook 2010 is configured to access an Exchange Server 2010 mailbox with an Exchange cached mode profile. You create a new meeting and use the Room Finder feature.In this situation, the room lists are displayed but the conference rooms aren't displayed under Choose an available Room....
Hello, I have created, two days ago, two room list (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook/troubleshoot/calendaring/configure-room-finder-rooms-workspaces) the functionnality room finder in outlook 365 is not showing anything but in microsoft office…
Subkey: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\x.0\Outlook\Preferences DWORD: RoomFinderShow Value: 0 (If you subsequently display the Room Finder, this value is changed to 1)Note In this subkey path, the x.0 placeholder represents your version of Office (16.0 = Office 2016 and ...
I recently had issue that none of the rooms were listing and it give an error stating that Outlook needs to be online or conected to exchange while trying to add rooms in my outlook calender. Room list was available from OWA but not from Outlook. ...
When you access an existing meeting on a shared calendar that you are a delegate for, Outlook doesn't respond if you select the Room Finder button. However, when you access existing meetings on your own calendar, Outlook responds as expected....
Room Finder in Outlook doesn't display new conference rooms created - Microsoft Q&A Please clickMark as Best Response&Likeif my post helped you to solve your issue. This will help others to find the correct solution easily. It also closes the item. ...
Note:This feature replaces theSuggested Timesfeature from earlier versions of Outlook. After you find an appropriate time slot and add a conference room to the meeting, selectMeetingon the ribbon. You can then close the Room Finder. When you're done setting ...
We wanted to talk about this because we have now released the new room finder experience to Exchange Online Outlook on the web (and you should start seeing it roll out to other Outlook clients over the next few months). Note:If room lists are not set up, the room finder...
The Outlook Team has provided a registry key to enable reverting to the original Room Finder. After the Outlook Team addresses feedback in the new Room Finder, this registry key will be deprecated. This registry key disables the new...
We can uncheck the boxes for http on fast and slow networks and the drop down returns immediately after re-opening Outlook. However, we have a policy forcing these settings, and each time a user closes Outlook, the boxes are checked, and then room finder drop down is gone again. I've...