Room 使用了 SupportSQLiteDatabase 接口来提供底层操作的抽象,Room 所有相关的 API 返回的都是 SupportSQLiteDatabase 接口,如需要使用 WCDB 其他功能(比如 Repair)一般需要 SQLiteDatabase 接口,可以通过下面的方式取得。 // MyDatabase 为生成的 RoomDatabase MyDatabase db = Room.databaseBuilder(...) .open...
The problem more likely lays with how you're defining your dependencies, RoomDatabase is part of the public API since your AppDatabase extends it and you presumably use that class in your downstream dependencies. However RoomDatabase is declared as a implementation-only dependency. This means th...
dependencies{implementation'com.tencent.wcdb:room:1.0.8'// 代替 room-runtime,同时也不需要再引用 wcdb-androidannotationProcessor''// compiler 需要用 room 的} 2、代码里面,打开 RoomDatabase 时,指定 WCDBOpenHelperFactory 作为 openFactory ...
/Users/jerry/projects/app-db/build/tmp/kapt3/stubs/debug/com/cxyzy/note/db/ 错误: [RoomProcessor:MiscError] was unable to process this class because not all of its dependencies could be resolved. Check for compilation errors or a circular depe...
I'm trying to use kotlin coroutines to access room database by the method describedhere, added the plugin and dependency, and enabled kotlin coroutines in gradle. ingradlefile: kotlin { experimental { coroutines'enable'} } dependencies { implementation"org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-...
DAO 注入问题 - Hilt Android 找不到 RoomDatabase 所以我尝试在个人项目中使用 Room。我已经实现了我的实体、dao 和我的 roomdatabase 扩展应用程序类: @Database(version=1,entities=[UserDBEntity::class])abstractclass MyDatabase: RoomDatabase() {companionobject {constval DATABASE_NAME = "MyDb"}...
androidjavaapiretrofitandroidstudioroomdatabase UpdatedJul 30, 2020 Java Expense Tracker app developed using Kotlin, jetpack Compose, Hilt, MVVM, RoomDB androidkotlinjetpackcomposeroomdatabaseroom-databasejetpack-androidjetpack-composedagger-hilthilt-androidhilt-dependency-injectionhilt-dependency-injection-andro...
dependency-injectionjsoupkodeinandroid-roomandroid-jetpack UpdatedMar 20, 2021 Kotlin gautam84/Quizella Star33 Code Issues Pull requests 🧠 A quiz app based on MVVM architecture pattern to test your intelligence. Built using Android-Jetpack Compose and Ktor-client to retrieve data from server. ...
而Room是Android官方提供的一个数据库持久化解决方案,它提供了一个简单的抽象层,使得开发者可以更方便地操作数据库。 使用RxJava更新和显示Room数据库中的数据,可以按照以下步骤进行: 添加RxJava和Room的依赖: 添加RxJava和Room的依赖: 创建Room数据库:首先,需要定义一个继承自RoomDatabase的抽象类,并使用@Datab...
依赖倒置原则-Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) 里氏替换原则-Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) 接口分隔原则-Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) 单一职责原则-Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) 开闭原则-The Open-Closed Principle (OCP) 迪米特法则-Law of Demeter (LOD) ...