room and pillar methoddoi:10.1007/978-3-642-41714-6_183424room and pillar method, breast and pillar method, bo(a)rd and pillar method, chamber and pillar method, pillar and stall method, pillar and breast method, post and stall method ● rterbau mSpringer Berlin Heidelberg...
网络释义 1. 房柱法 房柱采矿法,Room-and-pillar... ... ) room and pillar 房柱 )room-pillar method房柱法) room and pillar 房柱式 ...|基于3个网页
1) Room-and-pillar system房柱采矿法2) Shallow hole room-and-pillar mining system 浅孔房柱采矿法3) pre truncating crest room and pillar method 预切顶房柱采矿法4) room and pillar 房柱 1. Because Zhaokou mine of Jinling iron mine of Shandong make use of strata pressure controlling theory ...
short-hole room-and-pillarmining tailingsThe selection of an underground mining method stems from a multivariate analysis that considers geomechanical, geological, economic, and operational parameters. Even after identifying the most compatible method, there is no assurance that the mining company will ...
Roomandpillarmethod Commericaltest HowaboutroomandpillarmethodforminingtheorebodyofErliheLead-zincMine?Theminechoosetwostopesfortestthoseare1#stopeand2#stope.ExperimentalResults Conclusions Theresearchresultsshowthatlossrate,dilutionratioandmining-cutratioareallsignificantfall.Theroofofgoa...
The dangerous and hazardous factors are analyzed in the inclined and bedded gypsum mineral deposit underground mining by pillar-and-room method. 本文对缓倾薄层石膏矿床房柱法开采过程中存在的危险危害因素进行了分析,指出采空区坍塌是最重要的危险危害因素,分析认为矿体基本力学性质和采矿方法是影响采空区坍塌...
room and pillar 美 英 un.房柱式采煤法 网络以房柱法 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 房柱式采煤法
1) Room and pillar filling method 分矿房矿柱分层充填法例句>> 2) Mechanized flat-back cut-and-fill method with pointed props 点柱式机械化水平分层充填采矿法3) Underhand cutting and filling method 下向分层充填采矿法4) horizontal cut and fill mining 水平分层充填采矿法 例句>> 5) Cut-and-...
1) room-pillar method 房柱法1. Application of room-pillar method with artificial roof support in Dongbaoshan mine; 人工顶柱房柱法在东宝山矿区的应用更多例句>> 2) mining by pillar-and-room method 房柱法开采 1. The dangerous and hazardous factors are analyzed in the inclined and bedded ...
Announced yesterday, the permit authorizes Amfire Mining of Latrobe, Westmoreland County, to conduct room-and-pillar mining in 2,929.4 acres of the Upper Freeport Coal Seam. Room-and-pillar mining is a traditional mining method in which miners leave pillars of coal to support the roof and pre...