进入toolbox 容器 ,执行如下命令: kubectl -n rook-ceph exec -it $(kubectl -n rook-ceph get pod -l "app=rook-ceph-tools" -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') bash ceph dashboard ac-role-create admin-no-iscsi for scope in dashboard-settings log rgw prometheus grafana nfs-ganesha ...
Is this a bug report or feature request? Bug Report Expected behavior: Dashboard home page should work,and not restart once and once again How to reproduce it (minimal and precise): install ceph with rook-1.9.12 Log on the mgr pod: debug...
cluster.yaml文件中默认已经启用了cephdashboard,查看dashboard的service: 2rook-ceph-mgr-dashboard监听的端口是8443,创建nodeport...RookOperator 1 克隆rookgithub仓库到本地 git clonehttps://github.com/rook/rook.git cdrook/cluster/examples kubernetes部署rook+ceph存储 ...
@travisn Hello,You must have misunderstood,I am referring to the nodeport type service created by this tutorial(https://rook.io/docs/rook/latest/Storage-Configuration/Monitoring/ceph-dashboard/#viewing-the-dashboard-external-to-the-cluster). not use the internal cluster ip , My host has a pu...
namespace: rook-ceph spec: cephVersion: image: ceph/ceph:v14.2.4-20190917 allowUnsupported: false dataDirHostPath: /var/lib/rook skipUpgradeChecks: false mon: count: 3 allowMultiplePerNode: false dashboard: enabled: true ssl: true monitoring: ...
Rook默认部署的Ceph Dashboard是ClusterIP类型的,使用如下的方式Export。 [root@K8S-PROD-M1 rook]# cd cluster/examples/kubernetes/ceph [root@K8S-PROD-M1 ceph]# kubectl apply -f dashboard-loadbalancer.yaml 查看MetalLB日志 [root@K8S-PROD-M1 ceph]# kubectl -n metallb-system logs -f pod/controller...
Under rook+minikube: HEALTH_ERR: Module 'dashboard' has failed: IOError("Port 8443 not bound on '::'",) 由Jeff Layton在将近 6 年之前添加. 更新于将近 4 年之前. 状态: Can't reproduce 优先级: Normal 指派给: - 类别: Cluster (General, pools, osds, etc) ...
Install it if it is not already on your system, for example: # zypper install ses-manual_enCopy The following documentation is available for this product: Deployment Guide This guide focuses on deploying a basic Ceph cluster, and how to deploy additional services. It also cover the steps ...
Install it if it is not already on your system, for example: # zypper install ses-manual_enCopy The following documentation is available for this product: Deployment Guide This guide focuses on deploying a basic Ceph cluster, and how to deploy additional services. It also cover the steps ...