Additionally, in every society we find eyebrow-risers. Some of this interesting specie underpin their scepsis with data, reductionist research, papers, pictures, laws, orders, and even the Bible. Common sense seems endangered. Moreover, every society also have the overachievers who try to perfor...
Jackie Seymour doesn't have much more than her clothes, her friends, and her faith, she says, tapping her soiled fingers on a purple Bible. "We're a family here."Life with her husband in their plywood shack is lived day by day, and it's a good morning when everyone fared well the...
The reason for white is simple: white reflects the sun´s rays more than black does. The study´s coauthor, LBNL physicist Hashem Akbari, explained that it takes about 10 square meters of white roof to offset 1 metric ton of carbon dioxide. In warm climates, white roofs have the add...
CHARLESTON, S.C. --Dylann Roofhad a “cold and hateful heart” when he pulled a pistol from his fanny pack during a Bible study last year and killed nine black church members as they closed their eyes for a final prayer, a prosecutor said Wednesday. As the 22-year-old white man’s ...
"We love him and we miss him," his granddaughter, Ava Simmons, told The Times, adding that his family was en route to Charleston. Daniel Simmons was a member of the Emanuel AME ministerial staff and regularly attended Wednesday night Bible study, she said. ...
“She spoke so quickly and sharply that I, lost in a maze63 of dreams that I scarce understood, had no better wit than to tell her the line that was running through my head. “‘Singing masons,’ she snapped. ‘What means that? There are no such words in the Bible and you have ...
scholar Rabbi Anshel, was published in Kraków in 1534. The most influential Yiddish rendering of theBiblewasTsene-rene(“Go Out and See”; Eng. trans.Tsenerene) byJacob ben Isaac Ashkenazi. The text is a loose paraphrase of the biblical passages that are read in the synagogue: theFive ...