Rafter and roof joist spacing is only one part of a complex roof design that works together to form a structure that meets building codes and can hold up the weight of the roof and roof load. Builders aren't bound by standard rafter spacing measurements. But they do tend to space rafters...
I could almoststore a tank in my shed! If I were to do it again, I’d reduce the number of blocks and supports by half and addgalvanized joist hangersfor blocking to add structural rigidity to the floor frame. The total and linear load for #2 grade 2×6 on a 4’ span is 303 po...
I am planning to insulate an unvented cathedral ceiling in southern Vermont. The ceiling/roof is new construction with 2x10 rafters spaced 12 inches on center. My plan is to cut polyiso foam board to the appropriate width and apply it in the joist bays I can get kraft paper faced polyis...
For example, an Alberta-based prefab company in Canada uses LSL and OSB to produce light frame walls and their wall production is fully automated, whereas floor production uses wood I-joist in combination with a semiautomated process [6]. This type of light wood frame construction is termed ...