application of whole timber because they showcase the structural potential of whole timber prominently, maximising visual impact, while generally having lower design loads, simpler envelope attachment details, and less stringent deflection and vibration limits compared to other building components. Whole...
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Similarly, Figure 4 exhibits the thicknesses of the roofing components, except for the insulation (49 mm in all cases) and the substrate (100, 350, and 700 mm for the extensive, semi-intensive, and intensive green roofs), which are not shown for clarity. Table 1 includes the input ...
Figure 3. Geometric representation and placement of IfcWindow using the EXPRESS-G diagram. In the IFC schema, the building components are organized with an IfcProject–IfcSite–IfcBuilding–IfcBuildingStorey spatial hierarchy (Figure 4). The relative coordinates of the building components are usually...
It is a sum of the stiffness of all individual components constituting the joint, mainly bolts and possibly gusset plates. The material model is the extension of the geometric and static models. The material used is the S235 steel. The model also includes constraints on the yielding point of ...
Green roofs are nature-based solutions with multiple benefits for the urban environment, but they have specific polymeric components in their structure that cause a carbon footprint. This scoping review highlights the technological advance in reusing or recycling alternative materials in green roof struc...
Modelling the flow of a multi-component mixture also requires solving additional equations for the transportation of the mixture components. Basic Flow Equations The flow of the air stream mixture is described by means of constitutive equations, which include the equations of mass, momentum and ...
The diagram is shown in Figure 11a. The section of the dome member adopts steel pipes of ϕ 30 × 4. The live loads of about 0.08 kN/m are converted into nodal mass. There is a substructure suspended through the center of the dome structure by four hanging rods. The substructure ...
Spatial distribution optimization of rural settlements using the Weighted Voronoi Diagram. In Proceedings of the Advances in Earth and Environmental Sciences, Kunming, China, 18 October 2013; WIT Press: Southampton, UK, 2013; Volume 1, ICESEP13. pp. 551–561. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] ...
Standard Practice for In-Situ Measurement of Heat Flux and Temperature on Building Envelope Components; ASTM International: West Conshohocken, PA, USA, 2001. 38. Tang, R.; Etzion, Y. On thermal performance of an improved roof pond for cooling buildings. Build. Environ. 2004, 39, 201–209....