Tue, Jan 26, 2021Y Combinator学习总结 scheme版本Y组合子 (define Y (lambda (le) ((lambda (f) (f f)) (lambda (f) (le (lambda (x) ((f f) x))) 直接翻译为erlang代码 Y = fun(M) -> (fun(F) -> F(F) end)( fun(F) -> M(fun(X) -> (F(F))(X) end) end ) end. ...
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1【题目】趣味大本营wo hui cai我会猜(一)yi duo fu rong tou shang dai一朵芙蓉头上戴jn yi bu yong jian dao cai锦衣不用剪刀裁guo ran shi ge ying xiong han果然是个英雄汉yi changqian men wan hu kai一唱千门万户开mi di谜底()(二)yi gen da cai dai一根大彩带gua zai xi tian wai挂在西天外...