Nancy and I are pained to the core by the tragedy of the shuttle Challenger. We know we share this pain with all of the people of our country. This is truly a national loss. Nineteen years ago, almost to the day, we lost ...
Rhetorical Analysis Of The Challenger 7 In President Ronald Reagan’s speech, he addresses the situation that occurred between the space shuttle and the Challenger 7 crew at the State of Union. He helped the American public who were sad, confused and shocked about what was going on. The speec...
President Ronald Reagan's Address on the Space Shuttle “Challenger” 里根总统关于“挑战者号”航天飞机失事的演讲 January 28,1986 Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd planned to speak to you tonight to report on the state of the Union, but the events of earlier today have led me to change those plans...
Rhetorical Analysis Of A Time For Choosing Ronald Reagan’s speech “A Time for choosing” speech was given on October 27, 1964; it was a part of a pre-recorded television program sponsored by Barry Goldwater’s presidential campaign 1964.This Speech raised one million dollars for the Goldwater...
Ronald Reagan: The Space Shuttle “Challenger” Tragedy Address 罗纳德·里根:关于“挑战者号”航天...
Ronald Reagan: Shuttle Challenger Tragedy Address 2023-06-09 12:25:3804:14 108 所属专辑:美国100个最伟大的演讲 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 罗纳德·里根关于航天飞机挑战者号悲剧的讲话是他在1986年1月28日发表的一次全国电视讲话,当时航天飞机挑战者号在起飞后不久爆炸,导致机上7名机组人员全部遇难。 在演讲中,...
Nancy and I are pained to the core by the tragedy of the shuttle Challenger. We know we share this pain with all of the people of our country. This is truly a national loss. Nineteen years ago, almost to the day, we lost three astronauts in a terrible accident on the ground. But ...
Dick Scobee
【Ronald Reagan: The Space Shuttle "Challenger" Tragedy Address】Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd planned to speak to you tonight to report on the state of the Union, but the events of earlier today have led me to change those plans. Today is a day for mourning and remembering. ...
President Ronald Reagan finishing eulogy for Challenger astronauts + leaving stage Get premium, high-resolution news videos at Getty Images