Cheryl Howard and Ron Howard /ImageCollectCheryl Howard and Ron Howard at the 61st Annual DGA Awards. Hyatt Regency Century Plaza, Los Angeles, CA. 01-31-09 License: Editorial License. Editorial All images / editorial Size Selection: Original: 2136 X 3216px 7.12" X 10.72" 300DPI | ...
Although it did provide an opportunity for that Ron Howard trademark: sneaking his family into his movies: His father, Rance; his daughter, Bryce; his wife, Cheryl. "It's my only superstition," Howard admitted about his wife's appearances. "Doesn't have to be a big part, but I want ...
He was 15 when he knew directing was his calling. He began by making silent movies with his father's home-movie camera. They were a family affair, with his younger brother, Clint; his dad, Rance, and his future wife, Cheryl Alley, whom he began dating in high school. He moved from ...
Howard's wife gave birth to their daughter, Bryce, in 1981, the first of the couple's four children. That same year, Howard met producer Brian Grazer. In 1982, the two teamed up to direct and produce Night Shift, a dark comedy starring Howard's Happy Days co-star Henry Winkler. Howar...
Many thanks to Daimon, his awesome partner Prue Holms-Schwalger (aka Miss Meow) set-up crew Kane Hogan, Pete Howard, lighting specialist Bernie, Maggie and the Last Resort team and all the local people who supported the mad idea and made it happen. Word is, THE NOMAD is already planning...
Ron Howard's Wife Cheryl Catches Her Hair on Fire While Blowing Out Candles in Birthday Mishap Video Jean, who died at 73 in 2000, was credited with 62 on-screen roles between 1956 and her death. ALos Angeles Timesobituary noted that she put her own career on hold to raise Ron and his...
Ron Howard is known for his roles on The Andy Griffith Show and Happy Days and won an Academy Award for directing the film A Beautiful Mind. Learn more at
Yes, among Ron Howard’s extensive filmography are home videos of family life during each of his wife Cheryl’s four pregnancies. Each video culminates with footage of the birth, which each Howard child has been implored to watch at some point in their childhoods—just to give a...