亲爱的B...站朋友们,大家好呀,好久没有更新了,最近在忙,一直在做防洪工作,最近正在做Retrobat ROMS的大整合,把所有ROM都放一个游戏。然后整合好在发给大家,让大家做个游戏存放参考,也了解每个游戏文件夹到底是放那些游戏的。我尽量全部放好,敬请期待 另外请注意,5.3版本前端对WIIU存在问题,已提交给作者,另前端...
RetroBat can download and install all software you need to have a good retro gaming experience on your Windows PC. RetroBat can run in Portable Mode. That means you can start it from HDD or from any removable storage device, as long as you do it on a computer that meets the requirements...