However, Romeo, unaware of Juliet's plan, learns of her supposed death and悲痛欲绝中 takes his own life. When Juliet awakens from the sleeping potion and discovers Romeo's lifeless body, she too takes her own life, joining him in death. The tragic ending of "Romeo and Juliet" serves as...
解析 C。解析:因为他们来自两个敌对的家族,尽管相爱却面临很多阻碍,最终导致悲剧,“Romeo and Juliet are from two feuding families. Despite the enmity between their families, they fall in love at first sight. However, their love is not easy. In the end, their love leads to a tragic end.”。
In William Shakespeare's play, Romeo and Juliet, there are many forces that effect the final tragic ending. Fate, Destiny, Love, and Hate all seem to control Romeo and Juliet's lives. The effect of hate is particularly harmful. It engrosses the minds of all Capulets and Montagues and cor...
Free Essay: Romeo and Juliet's tragic ending isn't the result of a single person's acts; rather, it results from several interconnected incidents and...
This embarks on the tragic ending in which Romeo and Juliet both take their own lives based on the assumption of the other 806 Words 4 Pages Decent Essays Read More Romeo And Juliet Sacrifice Most Killing Love As Sadhu Vaswani said, “True love is selfless. It is prepared to sacrifice....
Romeo and juliet tragic essay Tragic essay Tragedy is a work of literature where the main character ends up in a catastrophe. The dramatic play The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakesspere, expresses the 3 elements of tragedy perfectly. The First element of tragedy is the ...
the ceaseless feud between two family clans in beautiful Verona. Set to Sergei Prokofiev’s thrilling orchestral score, this dramatic ballet stays loyal to Shakespeare’s original tragic ending. The romantic pas de deux, taut fight scenes and the festive street dances will leave you awe-inspired....
tragic end. In the Prologue of Romeo and Juliet, the chorus made the notion of fate manifest: “From forth the fatal loins of these two foes/A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life”(1058). Like the oracle from the Delphi in ancient Greece, the love between Romeo and Juliet ...
He realizes that he has to get there on time, butbythe time he arrives, Romeo is already in the tomb and ready to commit suicide. He misses the last chance to change the tragic ending. Romeo never knows that the reason Juliet still looks pretty is because Juliet is alive at that time...