《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(Romeo and Juliet)因其知名度而常被误称为莎士比亚的四大悲剧之一(实为《麦克白》《奥赛罗》《李尔王》及《哈姆雷特》)。 罗密欧与朱丽叶的爱情悲剧,据说历史上确有其事,它于1303年发生在意大利维罗纳城。有人还援引但丁《神曲》作为佐证。但此说难以定论。不过...
罗密欧 他自嘲他那些已经麻木的痛苦 朱丽叶 从窗里出现 啊 那边窗户里的是什么光芒 那是东方 朱丽叶是太阳 升起吧太阳,赶走忌妒的月光 那个已经憔悴的月光 你胜过他 因为嫉妒 月光已不再美好 她的圣衣已经失去光芒 只有傻子才会穿着,丢了它吧。是我的姑娘 啊 我的心 哦 她知道我 她说了什么:那...
And young affection gapes to be his heir;That fair for which love groan’d for and would die,With tender Juliet match’d, is now not fair.Now Romeo is belov’d, and loves again,Alike bewitched by the charm of looks;But to his foe suppos’d he must complain,And she steal love’s ...
411 Romeo and Juliet by:天禄琳琅Michael 319 Romeo and Juliet by:樱花小美女 1117 Romeo and Juliet by:刘静MrAlanVIP 1229 Romeo and Juliet 2 by:草原上的小木屋 169 Inception-Romeo by:嘻哈有态度 487 Inception-Romeo by:嘻哈有态度 1147 B1.2(Romeo and Juliet_audio) by:刘静MrAlanVIP 3377 Romeo...
Act 2: 第二场 同前。凯普莱特家的花园 罗密欧上。 罗密欧 没有受过伤的才会讥笑别人身上的创痕。(朱丽叶自上方窗户中出现)轻声!那边窗子里亮起来的是什么光?那就是东方,朱丽叶就是太阳!起来吧,美丽的太阳!赶走那妒忌的月亮,她因为她的女弟子比她美得多,已经气得面色惨白了。既然她这样妒忌着你,你不要忠于...
WilliamShakespeare:RomeoandJuliet Act2,Scene2(TheBalconyScene) [Capulet’sorchard.] ROMEO[Comingforward.]: Butsoft!Whatlightthroughyonderwindowbreaks? ItistheEast,andJulietisthesun! Arise,fairsun,andkilltheenviousmoon Whoisalreadysickandpalewithgrief That (1) thouhermaid (2) artfarmorefairthanshe....
Shakespeare, William
Her vestal livery is but sick and green, And none but fools do wear it. Cast it off. [Juliet appears at the window] It is my lady, O, it is my love! O, that she knew she were! She speaks, yet she says nothing. What of that? Her eye discourses; I will answer it. I am...
《罗密欧和朱丽叶》第二幕 第二场 台词1至78行
which 指代的是 his sword. He swung about his head 是which 引导的定语从句,所以这句应该是: The fiery Tybalt, with is sword prepared, which he swung about his head and cut the winds, as he breathed definace to my ears. 他一边对我出言不逊,一边把剑在头顶上乱挥。