Just then, a very unfortunate thing has happened: a good friend of Romeo maoqiuxiao Romeo who was stabbed to death by Juliet's cousin TYBALT a sword. Under the call of Justice, and to revenge for the friend, Romeo had to draw one ' s sword killing tybalt. Juliet anxious, elders help...
JULIET I would thou hadst my bones,and I thy news:Nay,come,I pray thee,speak;good,good nurse,speak. Nurse Jesu,what haste?can you not stay awhile?De you not see that I am out of breath? JULIET How artthouout of breath,when thou hastbreath To say to me that thou art out of br...
Romeo and Juliet Please see the bottom of the page for explanatory notes. ACT I SCENE IVA street. [ Enter ROMEO, MERCUTIO, BENVOLIO, with five or six Maskers, Torch-bearers, and others ] ROMEOWhat, shall this speech be spoke for our excuse?