这一版本还于1978年1月在巴黎体育宫(Palais des Sports in Paris)与帕特里夏•鲁安(Patricia Ruanne)饰演罗密欧以及伊娃•埃夫多基科娃(Eva Evdokimova)。伊丽莎白•泰伯斯特(Elisabett Terabust)和林恩•西穆(Lynn Seymour)轮流饰演朱丽叶。 1980年12月20日,在米兰的斯卡拉歌剧院上演,由卡拉•弗拉奇(Carla Fr...
Juliet :Monique Loudières 2020洛桑国际芭蕾比赛女生古典舞老师Romeo :Manuel Legris Tybalt :Charles Jude Mercutio :Lionel Delanoë Benvolio :Wilfried Romoli Rosaline :Karin Averty Paris :José Martinez Lady Capulet:Clotilde Vayer Lord Capulet:Olivier Patey The Nurse :Annie Carbonnel Romeo and Juliet -...
Paris.” So Priest Laurence took a medicine bottle from the secret room of his temple and gave it to Juliet. The priest said, "Go home at night and drink this. Then you will have red spots on your skin that won't hurt very much, but you must pretend that it does." And then......
What’s wrong with my Romeo?Ido remember whereIshould be, and thereIam, but what’s wrong with my Romeo? FRIAR LAURENCE I hear some noise.Come,comeaway.Yourhusband has died in your arms,and Paris too.Stay not to question,for the watch is coming;Come,go,good Juliet, JULIET Go!Leave ...
Passage 1名著简介★体裁:记叙文★建议用时:5分钟★字数:136KEY: P1158.2.1Romeo and Juliet is a story a
Romeo and Juliet《罗密欧与茱丽叶(1996)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx,Two households, both alike in dignity... 两个门第相当的家族... in fair Verona, where we lay our scene... 在繁荣的维洛纳各据一方... from ancient grudge break to new mutiny... 长年累月的怨仇
Paris was dead, romeo was dead, Juliet didn’t have anything left. “But fettle your fine joints ‘gainst Thursday next to go with Paris to 284 Words 2 Pages Decent Essays Read More Examples Of Being Pardoned In Romeo And Juliet Juliet says that she will not marry Count Paris and Lord ...