While I was looking for new materials to help teach "Romeo and Juliet," I found the 1936 version of the play and naturally I was intrigued. I'm assuming that most people know the basic plot and have seen other versions of the film, if this is not the case you may want to stop rea...
Romeo and Juliet has been adapted numerous times for stage, film, musical, and opera venues. During the English Restoration, it was revived and heavily revised by William Davenant. David Garrick's 18th-century version also modified several scenes, removing material then considered indecent, and Ge...
Mariah Gale's performance of Juliet was among the best I have seen. All of Gale's gestures, interactions (despite sometimes deficient bases for these), verse-speaking, emotional control and range and even her dancing gave the impression of an effortless assurance, and yet projected powerful conv...
May 22, 2024 (United Kingdom) Tech specs Edit Runtime 58minutes Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content IMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our data Learn more about contributing Edit page Photos Before They Were Famous: Actors' Early Roles ...
Romeo + Juliet: The Music Documentary Filmmaker and Interview Galleries BD-LIVE**: Live Lookup™powered by IMDb® Final Thoughts While the movie is too stylized for my tastes and has a ton of overacting that makes me cringe, I still can appreciate the effort and imagination that went int...
“talent search” worth the trouble. They are magnificent. We can see why Zeffirelli didn’t want older actors. The love between Romeo and Juliet, and the physical passion that comes with it, are of that naive and hopeless intensity only those in love for the very first time can ...
R#J (Carey Williams, 2021) 3 out of 4 stars. Romeo and Juliet, the classic Shakespearean tale of star-crossed lovers, has had many film iterations throughout the years. Some kept the classic, old-time style of the original tale, others experimented wit...
Perhaps the caliber of this film can be measured by the extent to which one clings to hope that Romeo and Juliet aren’t really doomed.
The post I found was written in narrative form and focused more on the liability of both sets of parents. Apparently they (parents) were fully onboard and gave consent for Olivia and Leonard to do whatever was asked of them. In the prior Romeo and Juliet thread, I said ...
The method is simple and rapid. Factors that might affect the determination such as pH value and temperature are discussed in detail. A comparison between the proposed method and the traditional pour plate count (PPC) method has also been investigated.\n...