Wealthy, selfish, ruthless and powerful, the parents share an enmity that has become the birthright of their offspring. So begins Shakespeare's beloved play "Romeo & Juliet," which is celebrating its 400th anniversary this year. These famous lines and the vivid language of this cautionary tale...
For Shakespeare lovers who prefer their film adaptations to be more straightforward like Kenneth Branagh’s Much Ado About Nothing and less showy like Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet, Carlo Carlei’s recent re-adaptation of the latter should fit squarely within their comfort zone, though perhaps ...
In 1996, Natalie Portman was set to play Juliet in Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet, but there was one problem: Leo was 21. That age gap made the studio and director say, “Nah, not gonna fly.”In an interview with HelloGiggles, Natalie alluded, “It was a complicated situation. At ...
3363 Juliet Dr, Saint Paul, MN 55125 $149,053 2 - 1,642 4,928 3398 Juliet Dr, Woodbury, MN 55125 $123,000 2 - 1,698 4,356 3385 Juliet Dr, Woodbury, MN 55125 $319,000 3 - 1,527 4,792 6909 Romeo Rd, Saint Paul, MN 55125 $104,500 2 - 1,642 4,919 3347 Juliet Dr, ...
BOX OFFICE BEAT DOWN: Gnomeo and Juliet Takes the Top Spot After Three Weeks on the Charts! Box Office Hall Pass comes in second, while Drive Angry fails to find its audience. ByJami Philbrick Feb 27, 2011 BOX OFFICE PREDICTIONS: Can Hall Pass Make the Grade This Weekend?
BOX OFFICE BEAT DOWN: Gnomeo and Juliet Takes the Top Spot After Three Weeks on the Charts! Box Office Hall Pass comes in second, while Drive Angry fails to find its audience. ByJami Philbrick Feb 27, 2011 BOX OFFICE PREDICTIONS: Can Hall Pass Make the Grade This Weekend?