意大利罗马商学院是一所国际院校,招收的学生来自五大洲。 另外,罗马商学院作为一所首屈一指的国际院校、作为最现代化管理和创业知识的传播者和搬运工而感到自豪。 我校还聘请了拥有着丰富经验和技能的大学讲师、公司培训师、咨询师、管理人员和企业家。教师队伍具有很强的多元文化,他们来自不同的背景和国家。这将给...
No information available Rome Business School Rome Business School Choose a Master, an MS or an MBA in Luxury Management The sector of Luxury Management Luxury management is just like any other business-oriented profession, except that it deals only in luxur...
意大利罗马商学院是一所优秀的管理培训和研究机构。 我校致力于通过向学生提供一系列的管理培训课程,以满足他们开始或发展职业生涯和业务活动所需的知识,并且缩小学术界与职场之间的差距。 我们的使命是培养企业家、管理层人员和高素质的职场人,让他们拥有业务和工作需要的优秀能力以及伦理道德,能够在人性经济和更加繁荣...
Our business school offers International accredited Master’s Degrees, Specialization and Short courses, on campus or online. Students from +140 countries.
With more than 10 years of Online learning education Rome Business School is a member of Planeta Formación y Universidades, an international network created by De Agostini and group Planeta, world leader in higher education. The Online courses offer all the contents of on campus learning and ens...
Rome Business School also offers distant learning courses. The school attracts students from over 150 countries. It has forged academic partnerships with numerous universities and institutions across the world such as Pace University (United States), ESLSCA (France) Cyprus Institute of Marketing (Cyprus...
No information available Rome Business School Rome Business School Choose a Master, an MS or an MBA in International Management The Sector of International Management Nowadays, we live in globalized world. Globalization affects all areas of political, economic and social ...
The Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, or Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna de Pisa to give … Based in the central Rome districts of Trieste and Parioli, Luiss Guido Carli prides itself on… The IULM University (or Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM) was …...
Rome Business School数据科学硕士是一个多学科领域,它使用科学方法、流程、算法和系统从一手和二手数据中提取知识和见解。 所提供的知识将帮助您生成强大的预测模型并与企业内的各个部门合作以产生有价值的结果。该计划非常适合那些希望成为专业数据科学家和业务分析师的人,他们专注于为数据驱动的业务现实做出贡献以实现...
of the choices made by students, they will receive the same qualification with no differentiation. At the end of the program, the students will earn 60 ECTS along with dual qualification – a Master's degree from Rome Business School and a similar qualif...