the Roman presence began with a fight between Rome and Carthage for control over the Western Mediterranean during the 2nd century BC. In any case, it was during this period that the Iberian Peninsula was introduced as an entity in the international political scene at the time, and since then ...
The Cloaca was later expanded by Augustus Caesar around 20 BC to connect it to public baths and toilets, making it the world's first sewage system. While it's been replaced by modern waste removal infrastructure, the Cloaca Maxima still serves as a storm runoff system in the present-day ci...
whetherinasenatororanorator. Brevityisagreatcharmofeloquence. •11 ASketchofRomehistory •Theyear27B.Cdividedthehistoryof Romeintotwoperiods:theRepublicand theempire •TheRomeRepublicbeganin509B.C., andlasteduntil27B.C.. •In27B.C.,Octaviantooksupremepower asemperorwiththetitleofAugustus.(奥古 ...
RomanRepublic,thepeoplehadsomesayintheirgovernment.Theyelectedtwomen calledconsulstoreplacetheking.Theconsulscouldonlyholdofficeforoneyear.Both menhadtoagreeoneverydecision. 12 Thegovernmentalsoincludedagroupofpowerfulmencalledsenators.Senators servedintheSenateandadvisedtheconsuls.ByofthefourthcenturyBC, senators...
Ester biosynthesis in Rome apples sub- jected to low oxygen atmospheres. Postharvest Biology and Technology 3: 201-214.Fellman, J. K.; Mattinson, D. S.; Bostick, B. C.; Mat- theis, J. P.; Patterson, M. E. Ester biosynthesis in `Rome' apples subjected to low-oxygen atmospheres. ...
methods,compounds,orexperimentsdescribedherein.In usingsuchinformationormethodstheyshouldbemindfuloftheirownsafetyandthesafetyof others,includingpartiesforwhomtheyhaveaprofessionalresponsibility. Tothefullestextentofthelaw,neitherthePublishernortheauthors,contributors,or editors,assumeanyliabilityforanyinjuryand/ordamage...