Dropping all at once on Netflix this season, Romantic Killer has flown under the radar for seasonal releases this Fall 2022. Adapting the manga of the same name by Wataru Momose, Romantic Killer is a RomCom anime that follows gamer, Anzu Hoshino, as she has her life altered by the magica...
Netflix’s ‘Romantic Killer’ follows Anzu Hoshino, a high schooler whose life revolves around video games and chocolate. When one day, she decides to play a poorly programmed 3D otome game, she is informed by a wizard that she is going to be a part of a dating game harem storyline. ...
whose family was killed by a cyborg villain. Saitama becomes a reluctant mentor to the up-and-coming hero, who's out for revenge for his family and his city, which was razed to the ground by the killer.
Due to the ever-heated controversy on Twitter surrounding the shojo seriesRomantic Killer, I continued this series with just as much hesitant curiosity as I did volume one. Volume two kicks off right where the previous volume ended, as we get to know...