Dr. Romantic 2 Synopsis :Three years following the events of Dr. Romantic, Kim Sa-bu (Han Suk-kyu) comes to Geosan University Hospital to recruit a general surgeon. He finds Seo Woo-jin (Ahn Hyo-seop), a doctor with a troubled past who is ostracized by his fellow doctors, and offers...
Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim Set in a backwaters hospital, a revered but crotchety doctor becomes mentor to his struggling apprentices. But though assuredly skilled, his methods can seem a little off-the-wall and the story grapples with what it means to be a true doctor as the team try ...
Still puzzled by this man whose morals can’t be moved by ambition or money, Dr. Do asks Teacher Kim what his motivations are, and asks what he means to accomplish at this tiny Doldam Hospital. Teacher Kim responds that he is a romantic at heart, and wants to be a doctor who saves ...
Teacher Kim tells the man that he understands, but he will not give up the surgery. Furthermore, he says that he is not a lawyer or a judge, but a doctor – so whatever the man wants to do with the patient, he should do it after the surgery is done. Dong-joo takes issue with ...
It has been floating around in the back of my mind as Kim Sa Bu has seemingly fiddled while his nemesis has pursued his divide-and-conquer strategy against the young physicians at Doldam. While it was very satisfying to see Kim Sa Bu sock Dr. D'oh in the kisser and forbid him to ...
Teacher Kim ridicules his backwards logic; he amends Dr. Do’s statement and says, “The patient needs to survive for the hospital to survive. Those are the basic principles of being a doctor!” At that, Dr. Do declares that since Teacher Kim cares so much about principles, they will ...
“Dear Dr. Bu Yong-joo, I am Kang Dong-joo. I would like to become a good doctor like you when I grow up, so that no cases of injustice like my father will ever happen again.” In the present, Dong-joo isn’t convinced of Teacher Kim’s explanation, and and he seems very cert...
I love the theme of identity that continues to be an essential part of the show, with Teacher Kim struggling to understand who Bu Yong-joo really is, and vice versa. Even Dong-joo, who is finding the doctor in himself, and in doing so, he’s learning not to be so jaded about the...