feeling isolated and despondent, believed he was the only faithful one left in Israel. However, God revealed that He had preserved a remnant. This historical account serves as a powerful reminder that God always maintains a faithful remnant, even in times of widespread unbelief ...
in order that God’s plan of election might stand,12not by works but by Him who calls, she was told, “The older will serve the younger.”d13So it is written: “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.”e
Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God. For I tell you that Christ has become a servant of the Jews on behalf of God’s truth, to confirm the promises made to the patriarchs so that the Gentiles may glorify God for his mercy, as it...
Romans 5 Chapters Purchase the Collection: Romans (Photo Companion to the Bible) FREE Shipping plus Immediate Download Learn MoreOrder Now
Having concluded his doctrinal section, Paul begins a discussion of what it looks like to live out lives justified by faith. (Chapter 1-11=Orthodoxy/right beliefs; Chapters 12-15=Orthopraxy/right behaviors). The theme for Paul's moral theology, both here and elsewhere in his writings is sel...
But the awful arraignment of humanity in Chapters One, Two, and Three; together with the particular account of their apostasy and lost condition, however terrible it be, is not a description of the finally damned, but of the at-present-lost: and, "The Son of man came to seek and to ...
He has therefore written it in the form of papers, the better to point out to the reader the different important heads of the argument in which the ordinary division into chapters often fails to help. And the reader's attention will also be found directed to the Scriptural use and meaning...
"for all have sinned"reminds me of Paul's conclusion from Romans chapters 1-3 in which he concludes inRom 3:23that"all have sinned". The context in those early chapters references not Adam's sin, but rather people's actual behavior. So I don't takeRom 5:12as meaning that all sinned...
The Romans Road lays out a path to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, emphasizing sin, its consequences, and the redeeming power of Christ's death andresurrection. It serves as a tool for evangelism, offering a clear and concise way to explain the Christian faith. The chapters used to...
Paul says all this in chapters 3, 4 and 10.That is why faith alone makes someone just and fulfills the law;faith it is that brings the Holy Spirit through the merits ofChrist. The Spirit, in turn, renders the heart glad and free, asthe law demands. Then good works proceed from ...