But, as Paul explained in Rom 1:18–32, humanity misread the evidence of God’s existence, power, and divinity, and “while claiming to be wise, they became fools” (Rom 1:22). 2:15 Paul expands on the thought of Jer 31:33; Wis 17:...
The first has already been explained; it is the motivation of fear of punishment. This is the primary motivation of the unbeliever. We would see a great change in public morality if the legal penalty for sin were removed. Indeed, this is precisely what is occurring in our time....
Having explained the necessity of putting on the armor of light and putting off the works of darkness he goes on to further define what it might mean to do this. He contrasts walking in the day with walking in the darkness by first introducing having the armor of light as living “honora...
This should be explained after the signs of the times. A person’s life on earth is temporary. Everyone will live forever, but will it be with God, or in the lake of fire? That’s 4 out of 4. (Prophecy 5). The last Christian church age before the Rapture would be lukewarm, and...
Robert Gundry, in his study of Pauline anthropology, explained that "'inner man' should not be equated with 'new man' (Eph. 2:15,4:24;Col. 3:10) and 'outer man' should not be equated with 'old man' (Rom. 6:6;Eph 4:22;Col. 3:9).43… "The 'outer man' is an 'earthly ...
Those who ignore the distinction as above explained, saying, as some do, that νόμος, whether with or without the article, always means simply the Law of Moses, fail to enter into the depth and generality of the apostle's argument. The distinction will be observed in this ...