罗马书 12:1 CCB 所以,弟兄姊妹,我凭上帝的怜悯劝你们献上自己的身体,作圣洁、蒙上帝悦纳的活祭。你们理当这样事奉。 CCBT 所以,弟兄姊妹,我憑上帝的憐憫勸你們獻上自己的身體,作聖潔、蒙上帝悅納的活祭。你們理當這樣事奉。 ERV-ZH 兄弟姐妹们,我乞求你们,因为上帝向我们展示的丰富怜悯,请你们把自己的生命...
羅馬書 12 Chinese Union Version (Traditional) 12 所以弟兄們,我以神的慈悲勸你們,將身體獻上,當作活祭,是聖潔的,是神所喜悅的;你們如此事奉乃是理所當然的。 2 不要效法這個世界,只要心意更新而變化,叫你們察驗何為神的善良、純全、可喜悅的旨意。 3 我憑著所賜我的恩對你們各人說:不要看自己過於...
Romans 12(feat. Pastor Aaron Jackson Sr.)Minister Ernest L Zackery Jr、Pastor Aaron Jackson Sr.00:00 03:54 精彩评论 还没有人发评论,快来抢沙发吧!打开酷狗音乐 你的好友邀请你来酷狗音乐听歌 立即体验Romans 12 正在收听 打开酷狗音乐,尽享丰富听歌体验 蝰蛇音效 千万曲库 超清MV 打开酷狗收听...
Maluda - Romans 12 专辑:Transformed 歌手:Maluda 还没有歌词哦
12:7 or service, let us give ourselves to service; or he who teaches, to his teaching; 12:8 or he who exhorts, to his exhorting: he who gives, let him do it with liberality; he who rules, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.Love...
12:4 正如我們一個身子上有好些肢體, 肢體也不都是一樣的用處。12:5 我們這許多人在基督裏成為一身, 互相聯絡作肢體,也是如此。12:6 按我們所得的恩賜,各有不同: 或說預言,就當照著信心的程度說預言﹔ 12:7 或作執事,就當專一執事﹔ 或作教導的,就當專一教導﹔ 12:8 或作勸化的,就當專一勸化﹔...
Accessorize your phone with our premium Romans 12:12 iPhone case! Our cases are durable enough to protect your phone from drops and scratches. “My own hand laid the foundations of the earth, and my right hand spread out the heavens; when I summon them, they all stand up together.” -...
Romans 12:1 Religion is a submission, not an aspiration; an obedience, not an ambition of the soul. —Ruskin. Religion is neither a theology not a theosophy; it is more than that; it is a discipline, a law, a yoke, an indissoluble engagement. ...
Romans 12:1 Therefore I urge you, brothers Paul begins with "Therefore," indicating a conclusion drawn from previous teachings, particularly the mercies of God discussed inRomans 1-11. The term "urge" reflects a strong appeal, emphasizing the importance of the message. "Brothers" signifies a ...