Romanian Words of English Origin/Adaption of the English Element in Romanian SociolinguisticaJungk, Andrea
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch to new thesaurus Noun 1. Romanian - a native or inhabitant of Romania Rumanian Romania, Roumania, Rumania - a republic in southeastern Europe with a short coastline on the Black Sea European - a native or inhabitant of Europe 2. Romanian -...
owe in Romanian: 1. datora other words beginning with "O" overtime in Romanianoverweight in Romanianoverwhelmed in Romanianowl in Romanianown in Romanianowner in Romanian owe in other dictionaries owe in Arabicowe in Czechowe in Germanowe in Spanishowe in Frenchowe in Hindiowe in Indonesian...
small English Romanian Dictionary - smallin Romanian: 1.mic Câinele nostru e mic, dar foarte curajos. Romanian word "small"(mic) occurs in sets: 300 de adjective importante în engleză 1 - 25 cele mai uzuale cuvinte in engleza
Here are two Romanian loanwords in English: Dracula‘king of the vampires’ inBram Stoker‘s novel (1897). It was a nickname of Prince Vlad of Wallachia (d.1476). The name ‘Dracula’ comes from a secret fraternal order of knights called theOrder of the Dragon. Vlad III’s father was...
Basic Romanian Words and Phrases Hello –Buna ziua Good morning –Bună dimineaţa Good evening –Bună seara I'm fine –Sunt bine Thank you –Multumesc Sorry –Îmi pare rău I understand –Am înțeles I don’t understand –Nu înțeleg Yes –Da No –Nu Can you help me...
English to German English to Romanian Translator Romanian is part of the Slavic family with 24 million native speakers today. This language is official in Romania, but very common in other countries like Bulgaria, UK and Russia. We have 120 000 words in our database for this language.©...
In this Romanian course you will find a Romanian word list of the most common words of this language. It will introduce you to the top 1000 Romanian nouns and enrich your Romanian vocabulary. The most frequently used words we chose will help you express yourself freely and form sentences. Th...
Language: English Romanian • Romanian • English Document type: General/Conversational Delivery style preference Please inform the freelancer of any preferences or concerns regarding the use of AI tools in the completion and/or delivery of your order.Compare...