“No worries,” I crouch in front of the little skater. “What’s your name?” “Lacey.” “Nice to meet you, Lacey. Can I show you something?” She nods her head frantically, and my smile turns into a grin. I stand and hold my stick across my body and lower it to her height...
Pen or type writer or computer? I plan my stories with a pencil but once I start writing, it’s on my computer. What made you want to become an author and do you feel it was the right decision? I’ve always love writing essays while at school but I grew up in a small town wher...
Each book in Lucy Lakestone’s Bohemia Bartenders series just gets better and better. I’m hooked, and you will be too!” Maggie March, author of the Lucy McGuffin, Psychic Amateur Detective seriesNEW! VEXED BY VODKA has joined RISKY WHISKEY and WRECKED BY RUM in AUDIO!
Here are a couple of ideas for romance stories that feature a love that dare not speak its name: Under the Flickering Light(Period Romance) In 1945, talented writer Joshua Mostel arrives in Hollywood with dreams of writing the first Great American Movie. He meets with Philip Kovacs, an up-...
GOP Challenger Wrote Romance Novels under a Pen NameCall her an old romantic, but one candidate vying to replace Sen.John Morse in a potential...Schrader, Megan
After years of writing romance under the pen name Blake Allwood, I decided to pursue my other genre passion, fantasy and science fiction. Adam J. Ridley is the reality of that pursuit. . My husband of 28 years and I have had an adventurous life. We’ve had many businesses, we’ve rai...
“I’ll have my assistant email over a consultant’s name. And, Poppy?” “Yeah?” “That banker was an ass. And I didn’t mean to be.” ~~~ Author Isabel Jolie Isabel Jolie, or Izzy to her friends, is an Amazon bestselling indie author with an unquenchable thirst for a good,...
His name is… um… His name is… He told me to call him… Let’s just call him by his initials. N.M. for Naked Man. Or for Never Mind. Because in ten minutes, we’re going to pretend this never happened. Pretend I didn’t go to a bar last night and have three glasses of ...
“But it’s your name.” I sigh. “Call me Officer Wicker, Dr. Ellison.” He nods, but his eyes still hold that teasing sparkle. “Dr. Ellis. I shortened it so it doesn’t sound so… pretentious. I hope you like that better.” ...
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