#2: The Ghost Bride by Yangsze Choo Book Summary: In colonial Malaysia, Li Lan, a daughter of a respectable family facing financial hardship, is forced into becoming a “ghost bride” for a wealthy family’s deceased son. As she delves into the mysteries of this eerie tradition, she bec...
This series is set to have 13 books in total, though that number has already increased by 1 so chances are it could again. I have also been working on a spin-off series for the Westwood Pack and will hopefully be publishing the first one in 2024. I’m also dipping my toe into my...
'90 Day Fiancé': Niles Feels Heartbroken By His Parents the Day Before Marrying Matilda 4:52 '90 Day Fiancé': Brandon & Julia on Therapy, Drama and 'The Last Resort' Lessons (Exclusive) 1:11 '90 Day Fiancé: The Last Resort': Bini Thinks Ari Is Blackmailing Him (Ex...
Tailspin by Sandra Brown was released just August of this year. With elements that made for interesting reading, Tailspin takes readers through semantics involving the fields of aviation and pharmaceutical industry, mainly focusing on the very interesting concept of orphan drugs. Rye Mallett is go-...
Larsa Pippen sits down with ET inside her Miami penthouse for a one-on-one chat all about 'The Real Housewives of Miami' season 5. Larsa explains why her energy is a little more intense this year, compared to her return to the show in season 4. She addre