1、I likeromance, but I am not romantic.(我很喜欢浪漫,但是我却不会制造浪漫。) 2、For many of my peers, though, Venus quickly lost itsromance.(然而,对于我的许多同龄人来说,金星很快就失去了其浪漫色彩。) 3、She would oftenromanceabout her bitter experiences.(她总是渲染美化她的痛苦经历。)...
The meaning of ROMANCE is a medieval tale based on legend, chivalric love and adventure, or the supernatural. How to use romance in a sentence.
Cohen: One thing I would suggest isunbundlingwhat your current definition is of a significant other or romantic partner—that people pile things together that can be disaggregated. So one example would be that in order to have a long-term partnership you have to live together and that you hav...
first and foremost, one that was not between equals, and now we expect a romantic partner to be a best friend and to be your No. 1, and that doesn’t really make sense in a context where one person owns the other, where you don’t have equality, and that’s kind of ...
Well, that’s true. However, it’s one thing to enjoy romance, but it can be dangerous to judge your relationship against romantic ideals. 没错。但是,享受浪漫是一方面,同时用浪漫的理想观点来判断你的爱情关系很危险。 True, it might not be a realistic benchmark, and by that I mean a stan...
The Reanimator’s Heart is a romance, so Oliver needs a love interest/romantic partner. That’s where Felipe comes in. If Oliver is a necromancer who works as the medical examiner and isn’t very social, who might he run into often at the society? An investigator. That’s how Felipe ...
beaches The best islands in Central America are a taste of tropical paradise Mar 6, 2022 • 8 min read The islands of Central America have beaches and reefs to rival anywhere in the Caribbean, but they're much less explored. Here's our pick of the best. ...
For others, the challenge is not the lack of a partner but rather the number of them. Alternative forms of romantic connections are becoming increasingly popular, including polyamorous ones in which individuals have more than one partner at any given tim...
But if you really are expecting the kind of love thatmakes your heart flutter(迷得你的心怦怦直跳)with happiness you may be disappointed.Our expectation of what romance is, probably originated from theRomantic period (艺术)浪漫主义时期,源自十八世纪欧洲- an artistic, literary, musical and...
(1762). To Hurd, romance is not truth but a delightful and necessary holiday from common sense. This definition of romance (to which both Ariosto and Chrétien de Troyes would no doubt have subscribed) inspired on the one hand the romantic epic Oberon (1780) and on the other the ...