Monogatari Series: Second Seasonis an astounding anime that follows Koyomi Araragi and his team of close-knit friends as they encounter spirits, apparitions, and gods. With graduation looming overhead and time running out, he must choose between unraveling mysteries and personal demons. When Koyomi ...
“To stay by your side, I'd defy the gods themselves.” A reincarnation story with a twist! I, Cyril, have been reborn in a new world and pledged myself to save Lady Sophia, the villainess of an otome game, from the many horrible fates that await her! I've raised her to be a ...
Description: A sword with a decorative sheath commonly worn by officers to show off their status. Blazing Daggers Vermilion Bird: Scarlet Dagger Artifact Class: Type: Strategy Stats: None Description: A pair of daggers used by the Vermilion Bird ofthe Four Gods. They are said to have ...
Character portraits from Taiko Risshiden along with a new scenario from Romance of the Three Kingdoms IX: "Liu Bei Seeks Shelter in Jing Province". Cost 500 yen + taxWarriors SetCharacter portraits from Koei's Warriors series along with a new scenario from Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV: ...
Known for:“Blood and Ash” (2020–present), about Poppy, who rebels against her destiny to serve the gods as a virgin when she falls for a man tasked with protecting her. Together, Poppy and her love interest go on a quest to overthrow the “Ascended” — vampires, basically — who ...
“My favorite farming sim so far, Fields of Mistria combines a 90s anime art style with beloved farming sim tropes, as you romance other farmers or even a dragon potentially in the future! still in WIP.” R$ 89,99 推荐 10 月 18 日 “A farming sim on an island! With a diverse ...
half-animal beings with the ability to transmute between forms on cue, Angels, Demons, Nephilim, Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, Ancient Greek mythology, and even the occasional Ghost or Alien thrown in for good measure. And I would be amiss in not mentioning the perennial time-traveling, kilt-...
exercised upon primitive religions. Vellay puts this well when he says: “En réalité c’est sur la conception de la vie physique, considérée dans son origine, et dans son action, et dans le double principe qui l’anime, que repose tout le cycle religieux des peuples Orientaux de l’...
Living is a challenge for the citizens, as gods and humans must learn to coexist, especially when there’s often conflict and obstacles. Bell aspires to become the greatest adventurer ever and has the opportunity to do so after encountering the goddess, Hestia. With her help, Bell embarks ...
Romance anime are those type of shows involving two people having deep feelings for one another, who are willing to protect their love, or fight for it. Not every romance anime can be classified as a shoujo, or a josei; yet, romance anime can come with different sub-genres. One of the...