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Romance X (1999) Submit Rating No one cared thus far. Do you? AKA:Romance Directed by:Catherine Breillat Starring:Caroline Ducey (Woman), Sagamore Stévenin (Boyfriend), Rocco Siffredi (Paolo), François Berléand (Robert) Country:France,Effed Up European Movies Language:French(English subtitles...
Watch Romance Movies OnlineStrictly speaking, a romance is a type of film that can fit into any film genre. The common element in all romances is a focus on the emotional relationship between two intimately acquainted people. Beyond that, anything goes when it comes to film romance. Romantic ...
the Peace Corps. But, those plans get changed when Johnny, a camp dance instructor, recruits Baby to help him pull off his season finale dance party after his own dance partner falls ill. Although Baby’s father forbids her from seeing Johnny, Baby is determined to get her way.Watch Now...
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Also ranks #76 on The Most Awkward Movies to Watch with Your Parents 85 Dandelion KiKi Layne, Thomas Doherty, Melanie Nicholls-King 0 votes A struggling singer-songwriter falls into an intoxicating romance that leads her to a deeper appreciation of her artistic journey as she discovers a voice...
Also ranks #1 on The 15 Best Action Romance Anime You Need To Watch Also ranks #1 on 15 Underrated Anime Where The Main Character Is Female Also ranks #2 on 25+ Anime That Totally Deserve A Second Season 11 Kaguya-sama: Love is War 2019 13,311 votes When it comes to love, even the...
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