changed the religious character of Palestine’s inhabitants. The predominantly Christian population gradually became predominantly Muslim and Arabic-speaking. At the same time, during the early years of Muslim control of the city, a small permanent Jewish population returned to Jerusalem after a 500-...
Octavian was granted this title after emerging victorious from a series of civil wars triggered by the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 B.C. During these wars Mark Antony, Caesar's former general, fought for control of the Roman world against some of Caesar's assassins, and later he all...
What the titles and names meant: Augustuswas the title given to Ancient Roman rulers of the Ancient Roman Republic. The name and title Augustus came after the famous Emperor Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar’s Emperor name was Imperator Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus. It was considered an honor to t...
Caligula was of Germanic extraction and was named Gaius Caesar, after Julius Caesar. He was the third ruler of the Roman Empire. At first, Caligula was a generous and wise ruler, but soon he began to waste Rome’s precious resources and was increasingly known for his bloodlust and capacity ...
The later stages of the civil wars encompassed the careers of Pompey, the orator Cicero, and Julius Caesar, who eventually took full power over Rome as its dictator. After his assassination in 44 bce, the triumvirate of Mark Antony, Lepidus, and Octavian, Caesar’s nephew, ruled. It was ...
When the month of Quintilis had been renamed after Julius Caesar two centuries earlier, and shortly after that, Sextilis had been renamed for Augustus – July and August as they now are? One might suggest this is a little over the top, yes, but there was a solid precedent for it, and...
Fortunately for the young rulers of Egypt, Rome was too pre-occupied to act on the will of Ptolemy XII, which likely granted significant reparations. Cleopatra stepped into the forefront of Egyptian politics, mostly ignoring her young brother. Rule was practiced essentially only in her name and...
These new soldiers were loyal to the generals who paid them, not to the state. Powerful generals used their soldiers to gain political control. The most important was Julius Caesar. After conquering Gaul and Britain, Caesar’s army invaded Italy. In 45 BC, ...
Step into the world of Roman emperors on Explore the lives, reigns, and impact of iconic figures like Julius Caesar, Augustus, Nero, and more. Your ultimate source for Roman history.
Rome was a republic before it became an empire –it was governed in a different way, and had rulers that were elected through votes. The Roman Empire began in 27 BC, and after that single emperors ruled, one after the other, until their deaths. The first emperor was Caesar Augustus. Rom...