During the Republic, the Pontifex was elected by the Comitia Tributa and served for life, while during the Empire, the position was generally held by the Emperor himself. Originally, the Ponifices were Patrician only, but the social conditions and changes during the late Republic allowed for Pl...
It is also worth remembering that the Romans were by no means always on the offensive, particularly in the early days of the Roman Republic and the first stages of growth and expansion. The Romans frequently came up against other, often powerful, civilizations such as the Carthaginians which ...
There were more than 100 coin producers, responsible for more than 900 different coins, as the Roman Republic grew to dominate the Mediterranean World. Imperial era coins display the reigning emperor with the ruler name and title on the obverse, so his subjects would recognize and acknowledge the...
Ancient Roman 1st Century BC Victoria Coin Diamonds 18K Gold Pendant Free Shipping In 3 Carts Dm 0.87 in L 1.23 in Free Shipping Free Shipping Free Shipping Free Shipping View Full Details Ancient Roman Republic 1st Century BC Victoria Coin Diamonds 18K Gold Pendant ...
men from the wealthiest families. Over time the Roman republic took over all of Italy and in 49 BC a general called Julius Caesar seized power. His great-nephew Octavian became the first emperor of Rome in 31 BC. Over the next 150 years Rome conquered lands all around the Mediterranean Sea...
The last king of Rome, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, waged war against the young Roman Republic in an attempt to regain his throne after being exiled. Roman dictator, Aulus Postumius Albus, promised to build a temple to the Dioscuri if Rome were victorious in the battle. On the battlefield,...
后的十多年里,完全或主要由非元老陪审员组成BC58 Clodius通过一项法律移除了几乎所有对人民主权的法律限制->轻视人民的宪政权利是一个错误1.3在共和国晚期,部落大会由城市定居者所主宰,他们普遍掌握着名义上农村部落的选票如果城市无产者被局限在4个城市部落中,Tiberius Gracchus召集他们就没多大好处森都里亚不总是大...
The Second Punic War interrupted the expansion of Roman rule across Italy and forced internal politics to move its focus to the demands of the war. Following an assessment by Flaminius, a leading politician in the period between 232 and 217 BC, the issues of recruitment and financial problems...
In the civil wars of the lateRoman Republic, Macedonian rule was thrown into doubt again. While still under the control of the Romans, the Greek world would continue to fall back and forth underPompeyand thenCaesar, and later underAntonius and Cleopatra. At the battle of Actium in 31 BC,...
Dio Cassius was a Roman administrator and historian, the author of Romaika, a history of Rome, written in Greek, that is a most important authority for the last years of the republic and the early empire. The son of Cassius Apronianus, governor of Dalmat