“王朝的陨落,没有人能王权永固,时代的终结”恭喜科迪完成故事。新的时代开始了。2024摔角狂热40罗曼雷恩斯vs科迪罗兹 465 -- 3:15 App 【第40届摔跤狂热Wrestlemania】“美国梦魇”科迪罗兹(Cody Rhodes)出场 534 1 29:04 App Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns(WrestleMania34) 1996 9 28:53 App WWE SD4.6精...
WWE. He is best known for his strength and ring skills. This is one reason why Roman Reigns fight record is such a massive success as Roman Reigns fighting style is impressive as well as technically good. As Roman Reigns theme song plays in the arena, all his fans ...