Number fonts is a style that is dedicated to just the number letters. These letters may be roman numerals or old-style figures with varying heights. This is not a complete collection, many other fonts on FontSpace have fancy numbers in the number digit
Number fonts is a style that is dedicated to just the number letters. These letters may be roman numerals or old-style figures with varying heights. This is not a complete collection, many other fonts on FontSpace have fancy numbers in the number digit
Rosie Brown Roman Numbers Font contains two different fonts: a serif and a cursive. For our purposes, it's the serif that we are interested in. When you need a good font for Roman numerals, choose the Rosie Brown serif. Milk & Balls Roman Numeral Fonts Create your own unique look with...
Look at the numerals, and you'll see they're pretty close to Times New Roman numbers. Wild & Folk does make use of a wide range of contemporary font formats, however, so you can use whichever one you prefer. Media Times New Roman Alternative (OTF) Of all the fonts similar to Times ...
My use for [greek,...]{babel} is mostly to ensure fonts/encoding for correct display of μ in siunitx and the like (related: Possible bug in babel-greek, TexLive 2014); I will not be using sections of greek text. Thus, the likelihood for typesetting roman numerals while in greek...