What does the name Juno mean?Deriving from the Latin iuvenis, meaning “youth,” Juno is an immortal Roman divinity that presides over protecting the state and female citizens. This formidable goddess is known as the queen of all gods and stands as a symbol of strength and guidance....
God of Protector of sailors Home The sea Symbols Dolphin Sacred Animals Dolphin Other Names Melicertes Roman Name Portunus PALAEMON PAGE INDEX Family of Palaemon Gallery Encyclopedia Entry Sources Death & Apotheosis of Melicertes The Sea-God Palaemon Cult of Palaemon Identified with Foreign Gods RECENT...
The symbolism of the bident and keys permeates throughRoman artand iconography, exemplifying Pluto's dual role as both protector and ruler of the underworld. These objects not only convey his power over death but also reflect the ancient Romans' perception of the afterlife as a place of order...
This Roman deity was mainly the goddess of wealth and fertility of the earth, in fact the very origin of the name is linked to that meaning of wealth or abundance. Another meaning of the wordopsis to work or plow the land. For this reason he was a very present deity in Roman cults w...
Venus comes from a Latin word for erotic or passionate love, but her name might have also come from the word venenom, meaning “poison,”“charm,” or “aphrodisiac” This goddess was so revered that Julius Caesar claimed that she was in his bloodline Venus had a unique birth. Her mother...
The name 'Aventine' itself is believed to have mythological roots. According to one legend, it is derived from 'Aventinus', a king of Alba Longa who was buried there. Another, and perhaps more popular legend, links it to the Latin word "aves," meaning "birds." This version has it that...
The name for the Roman religion Worksheet PrintWorksheet 1. Which of the following best describes Juno: A Greek goddess One of the oldest Roman goddesses The same as her Greek counterpart Hera The goddess of love 2. What is the first role that Juno played in Rome?
the protector of the Romans in their military activities beyond the borders of their own community. Prominent in early times were the gods Mars and Quirinus, who were often identified with each other. Mars was a god of war; he was honored in March and October. Quirinus is thought by modern...
"The daughters of the Aionians [i.e. of the people of the city of Thebes] struck up Harmonia's marriage-hymn with dances: the dancing girls sand the name of the Thrakian bride, in that palace and its fine bridal chamber. The Paphian [Aphrodite] also, her lovely mother, decorated ...
The etymology of 'Minerva' is a subject of scholarly inquiry, tracing back to the ancient tongues that shaped Roman culture. Linguists suggest that her name may derive fromthe Latin'mens', meaning 'mind', aligning with her association as a deity of thought and wisdom. This linguistic connectio...