Apollo (Greek mythology) is one most well-known of the Greek gods, and was worshiped as one of the primary sun gods in the ancient world. He is one of few gods who does not have a different name in Roman mythology than he does in Greek mythology. We all know how important the sun...
Amor,Cupid- (Roman mythology) god of love; counterpart of Greek Eros Sol- (Roman mythology) ancient Roman god; personification of the sun; counterpart of Greek Helios Vulcan- (Roman mythology) god of fire and metal working; counterpart of Greek Hephaestus ...
Uranus was the primordial god of the sky. The Greeks imagined the sky as a solid dome of brass, decorated with stars, whose edges rested upon the outermost limits of the flat earth. Uranus was the literal sky, just as his consort Gaea was the earth. The
Greeks and Romans. Interesting facts and information in this illustrated guide to the Roman and Greek Gods and Goddesses and their mythology and legends. Articles on the legends and mythology of the first, ancient gods and goddesses, the Titans, the Olympians and the minor goddesses known as ...
Related to Roman deity:Roman goddess ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. Roman deity- a deity worshipped by the ancient Romans deity,divinity,god,immortal- any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who...
Greek Mythology >> Greek Gods >> Sky Gods >> Titans >> Helius (Helios) HELIOSGreek Name Ἡλιος Transliteration Hêlios, Helius Roman Name Sol Translation Sun (hêlios) Helius god of the sun, Athenian red-figure krater C5th B.C., British Museum HELIOS (Helius) was the ...
Encyclopaedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Selene-Greek-and-Roman-mythology. Fittock M.G. Broken Deities: The Pipe-Clay Figurines from Roman London. Britannia Volume 46, pp 111-134. https:www.//jstor.org/stable/24737497. 2015 ...
Roman mythology Meaning: "god of war; male; red planet" Description: Mars is a name with interesting potential, ticking the boxes as a mythological name, a space name, and a single syllable choice ending in -s. For parents wanting something unexpected, Mars could work as an alternative to...
This site contains a total of 14 pages describing the god, including general descriptions, mythology, and cult. The content is outlined in the Index of Dionysus Pages (left column or below).FAMILY OF DIONYSUSPARENTS[1] ZEUS & SEMELE (Hesiod Theogony 940, Homeric Hymn 1 & 7 & 26, Pindar...
Greek Mythology >> Greek Gods >> Rustic Gods >> Pan PANGreek Name Παν Transliteration Pan Roman Name Faunus, Inuus Translation All (pan), Rustic Pan, Greco-Roman mosaic from Daphne C2nd-3rd A.D., Hatay Archaeology Museum PAN was the god of shepherds and hunters, and of the...