豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 内容简介· ··· In Law & Equity, specialists in the field examine the curious dual structure that shaped the law of England and Rome. Why did this dual structure come about and how did it influence historical developments in substantive law? 作者简介...
The common law and civil law systems are generally considered as ostensibly different. They are nevertheless faced with similar challenges in terms of fact... Benguira,S Audrey - 《Global Jurist Advances》 被引量: 0发表: 2004年 不当得利获利返还责任研究 and the development of rules of law, ...
罗马法与普通法 Roman Law and Common Law, A Comparison in Outline 热度: Roman Law and its influence on modern legal conceptions 热度: Negotiorum Gestio in Roman and Modern Civil Law 热度: 相关推荐 罗马法(romanlaw) NOUNinterpretation: 1,RomeLaw:generallyreferstothelawoftheRomecountries, ...
Roman Law and its influence on modern interpretations of law non quia Romanum, sed quia ius …. not as it is Roman, but as it is a law… Roman Law had a considerable influence on the development of later legal systems, particularly in Europe. Originally, there was the common law, i.e...
罗马法与普通法 Roman Law and Common Law, A Comparison in Outline 热度: Roman Law and its influence on modern legal conceptions 热度: Negotiorum Gestio in Roman and Modern Civil Law 热度: QUINTILIANANDROMANLAW OlgaTELLEGEN-COUPERUS (UniversiteitTilburg) ...
Roman Law and its influence on modern interpretations of law non quia Romanum, sed quia ius …. not as it is Roman, but as it is a law… Roman Law had a considerable influence on the development of later legal systems, particularly in Europe. Originally, there was the common law, i.e...
Define Roman law. Roman law synonyms, Roman law pronunciation, Roman law translation, English dictionary definition of Roman law. n. 1. The legal system of ancient Rome, which influenced modern Western legal systems. 2. The civil law compiled by the empe
Roman law, the law of ancient Rome. As a legal system, it has affected the development of law in most of Western civilization as well as in parts of the East. It forms the basis for the law codes of most countries of continental Europe and derivative sys
A famous example of this occurred in 33 AD when a law required creditors to invest a proportion of their capital in Italian lands, leading to an economic crisis as enforcement of the law lapsed [source: Weatherhead Center for International Affairs: Harvard University]. Inflation, devaluation, an...
has preserved its own legal system for 300 years B) to meet established democratic expectations C) to recognise the perceived shortcomings in the rule of law and in the unfair distribution of the burdens and benefits of membership D) to satisfy an audit of income and expenditure. D) to accep...