他在《隐喻和转喻的两极》(Two Aspects of Language)一文中,把诗歌分为两类:隐喻(metaphor)与转喻(metonymy)。他认为,在一般的现实主义作品中,转喻结构居支配地位。这类作品注重情节的叙述,环境的描写,通过转喻来表现人物与环境的关系,主要是指向环境。如俄罗斯的英雄史诗中转喻方式占优势。而浪漫主义的作品则以...
摘要: Two essays, On Linguistic Aspects of Translation (1959) and Language and Culture (1967), written within eight years of each other by the Russian-born scholar Roman Jakobson, gave new impetus to the theoretical analysis of translation on the basis of the...
Jackson, like Saussure realizes the fundamental role, which combination and selection play in language. The selection and combination do not occur consecutively, but intermingle at every point, and that they operate and cooperate at every level of speech. In other words, in Jakobson’s theory, ev...