Jove,Jupiter- (Roman mythology) supreme god of Romans; counterpart of Greek Zeus vestal virgin- (Roman mythology) one of the virgin priestesses consecrated to the Roman goddess Vesta and to maintaining the sacred fire in her temple Ops- (Roman mythology) goddess of abundance and fertility; wife...
Goddess of nature, fertility, childbirth, wildwood, moon, forests, animals, mountains, woods, and women. Goddess of the hunt. In Roman art, Diana usually appears as a huntress with bow and arrow, along with a hunting dog or a stag. Both a virgin goddess and an earth goddess, she was ...
Roman Goddess Juno The Roman Goddess Juno was born from Ops (earth, abundance) and Saturn (time). The Romans imported her from their vanquished Etruscan neighbours. She was both sister and wife of Jupiter with whom she gave birth to various deities amongst whom we have Vulcan....
Jupiter is the son of Saturn, the god of agriculture and Ops the goddess of wealth and abundance. He had five siblings named Juno (goddess of fertility), Vesta (goddess of hearth), Ceres (goddess of agriculture), Neptune (god of the sea) and Pluto (god of the underworld). Jupiter ...
Patroness of Gardens and Vineyards Beyond love, Venus is also associated with fertility and prosperity. She is revered as a patroness of gardens, vineyards, and fields, ensuring bountiful harvests and the flourishing of nature. This aspect underscores her connection to life's abundance and the nurt...
What abundance of sardonyx, of emeralds, adorns them, and the pearls are true pearls; but the workmanship must be attributed to Hephaistos! But the Erotes need no ladders wrought by him to reach the trees, for aloft they fly even to where the apples hang. Not to speak of the Erotes ...
She was the daughter of Saturn and Ops, and sister of Jupiter, Neptune, Juno, Pluto, and Ceres. Her worship first began in Lavinium, which was also the first Trojan settlement. As well as being known for her purity and virginity, she was also the mother who granted fertility. Despite ...
and prayers to the souls of his forefathers through puppets called “Lares” which were ever present in the household. The household fire would also be continuously alight in honour of thegoddess Vesta. Aphallic symbolover the doorway was not an uncommon symbol placed there to bring abundance. ...
Gaia is the first goddess. She created the Earth, which is why she is revered as“Mother Earth”. Due to her role, Gaia isgoddess of life,death and fertility. Hebe Those who do not wish to grow old have Hebe as their goddess, as she is thegoddess of youth. His parents are Zeus ...
25. Festival to Ops, goddess of abundance and partner to Saturn. 27. Festival of Volturnus, anEtruscanriver god. 28. Festival of Sol and Luna. September 1. Festival to Jupiter and Juno. 5. Festival to Jupiter. 5-19. Games for Jupiter Optimus Maximus. ...