s string to be romanized, e.g. "ایران" lcode language code, optional, a 3-letter code such as 'eng' for English (ISO-639-3) rom_format Output format choices: ur.RomFormat.STR (best string, default, output format: string) ur.RomFormat.EDGES (best edges, includes ...
For a single Roman Hindi/Urdu word, the encoder creates all possible hash-codes. The third module ranks the filtered hash-codes depending on their relevancy, while the fourth component filters the irrelevant codes. The goal of this research is not only to normalise the text but also to see ...
The Indo-Pak subcontinent is one of the most significant markets for all types of products. Urdu- and Hindi-speaking people react to any online product or event using Roman Urdu, Roman Hindi, pure Urdu, or pure Hindi text. South Asia or the Indian subcontinent is one of the largest market...
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