Emperor: 27 BC - 14 AD The contribution of Augustus to the consolidation and stabilization of the 'Empire' from a governing and military perspective was immense, but the legacy of the man is perhaps best exemplified in his contribution to public works and infrastructure. Whilst Augustus was a ...
The concise biographies of 85 emperors are useful references with regard to the major challenges, both personal and public, facing each. , by Mario Bartolini, Pen & Sword Books, Barnsley, U.K., and Havertown, Pa., 2023, $34.95 Roman Emperors is a chronological guide to the men who ruled...
Now pretty much all the emperors were called Augustus, but this was the first one. He bridged the period between the waning days of the Republic and the beginning of the glory days of the Empire. He started the Julio-Claudian Dynasty and is responsible for the PAX ROMANA—Peace throughout...
to be an effective ruler, launching thePax Romana. Following Augustus were the Julian emperors (Caesar's family) who proved to be case studies in corruption and the impact of unrestrained power--Tiberius, Caligula, and Nero. They are some of the most famous of all the Roman emperors because...
have lived in more favourable circumstances, not just because of his family’s wealth and position, but also because he lived during what was perhaps the most prosperous period of the Roman Empire, during the reigns of three of its greatest emperors – Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus ...
Conrad II, Holy Roman emperor (1027–39) and German king (1024–39), first of the Salian dynasty of the Holy Roman Empire Henry III, Holy Roman emperor (1046–56) and German king (1039–56) Henry IV, Holy Roman emperor (1084–1105) and German king (1056–1105) Henry V, Holy Roma...
changed to a title adopted by Rome’s ancient rulers and started in 69 AD during the “Year of the Four Emperors.” The Year of the Four Emperors came from when the Ancient Roman Empire would have four Emperors in one year. These four-Emperors were: Galba, Otho, Vitellius, and ...
上外本科室友刚翻译了「罗马帝国衰亡史」(The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire)片断,作为毕业论文的部分材料。也许是基友情深的缘故,我正巧也在重读吉本的这部大著。 说是「重读」,其实不过是当年读了个开头,现在又要重新读开头了。
Roman Empire 美 英 网络罗马帝国 英英 网络释义 n. 1. the territories ruled by ancient Rome under its emperors, from 27 to 395. 2. the rule or form of government of ancient Rome under its emperors 隐私声明 法律声明 广告 反馈 © 2025 Microsoft...
古罗马,最早起源于意大利的罗马,后来不断扩张,最终建立罗马帝国Roman Empire。罗马帝国的版图,大多都围绕Mediterranean Sea地中海,通过战争向外扩张。 罗马人统治了不列颠长达400年,近乎英国历史的五分之一,到现在罗马文化依然着英国人生活的方方面面。 在...