Diana- (Roman mythology) virgin goddess of the hunt and the Moon; counterpart of Greek Artemis Minerva- (Roman mythology) goddess of wisdom; counterpart of Greek Athena Dido- (Roman mythology) a princess of Tyre who was the founder and queen of Carthage; Virgil tells of her suicide when she...
OlympianGods (Greek&Roman):Zeus/Jupiter|Hera/Juno|Poseidon/Neptune|Demeter/Ceres|Ares/Mars|Athena/Minerva|Apollo/Apollo (Roman)|Artemis/Diana|Hephaestus/Vulcan|Aphrodite/Venus|Hermes/Mercury|Dionysus/Bacchus|Hades/Pluto Minor Gods:Nero|Commodus|Caligula|Iris|Britomartis|Styx|Terminus|Lupa|Terpsichore|Harpo...
Her Greek counterpart was Athena, and she and Neptune had a few run-ins. One time, she caught Neptune and a priestess named Medusa kissing in one of Minerva’s temples. That’s why she cursed Medusa with a head of snakes.Another time, Neptune and Minerva had a mighty competition to ...
But the character and dignity of Mars differed in fundamental ways from that of his Greek counterpart, who is often treated with contempt and revulsion in Greek literature.Mars was a part of the Archaic Triad along with Jupiter and Quirinus, the latter of whom as a guardian of the R...
regions and inhabitants. Each section held different significance, from the fields of punishment to the abodes of blessed spirits. The influence of Greek and Roman cultural exchanges is evident in the similarities and differences that characterized the Roman afterlife from its Hellenic counterpart. ...
The ancient Greeks considered Iris the female counterpart of Hermes.She served as a messenger from Mount Olympus. Iris would use her pitcher to collect water from the ocean and take it to the clouds. Some legends also hold that she used her pitcher to collect water from the River Styx, the...
9. Luna, the Embodiment of the Moon Luna is considered as a female counterpart of Sol, the sun god. Luna, along with Proserpina and Hecate, is part of the Diva Triformis or the Roman triple goddess. InRoman art, she is represented with a crescent and a chariot with two yokes. Varro...
and many of the traditions and ceremonies surrounding them, were directly absorbed from the Greek pagan religion, to the extent that most gods and goddesses in Roman society have a clear Greek counterpart. In the case of the Roman goddess Juno, she is the equivalent of the Greek goddess Hera...
Diana, the Roman counterpart of the Greek Artemis Coins depicting the Cross from Early Christinity Macedonia, the homeland of Alexander the Great had many cities minting coins - HISTORY Janus the Ancient Roman God of Beginnings and Endings, doors and name behind our month January - HISTORY Dioscu...
She was the female counterpart and close companion of the god Ares Enyalios. Enyo was closely identified with Eris, the goddess of strife. Indeed Homer does not appear to distinguish between the two goddesses. She was also connected with the Anatolian goddess Ma and the Roman Bellona....