The defeat of this powerful rival sustained the Romans’ acquisitive momentum, and they set their sights on the entire Mediterranean area. To the east, the Romans defeatedSyria,Macedonia,Greece, andEgypt, all of which had until then been part of the decayingHellenisticempire. The Romans also des...
Romans built a great civilization upon the mathematical, philosophical and medicinal foundations of Ancient Greece and left a great heritage regarding military, administration, architecture and law. In this context, they have built the administrative and legal foundations contemporary western civilization. R...
In the 3rd century bce it was conquered by Egypt’s King Ptolemy II Philadelphus (reigned 285–246 bce), and he renamed it Philadelphia after himself; the name was retained through Byzantine and Roman times. Philadelphia was a city of the Decapolis (Greek: “Ten Cities”), a Hellenistic ...
The expansion of these empires encouraged cultural diffusion, blending the culture of the two empires into the land it conquered. Ancient Greece passed on a new form of government and governmental policies to European culture. The most important of these governmental policies is democracy. Democracy ...
Although initially successful, securing territories and capturing the Parthian capital Ctesiphon, the campaign ultimately faced logistical difficulties and numerous rebellions throughout the newly conquered lands. In 116 CE, as Trajan was returning westward, his health started to deteriorate. ...
Locally and regionally available building materials were used alongside imported marble, and the choice of building techniques varied from region to region, as demonstrated by the slow uptake of opus caementicium in Greece or the reluctance to use fired brick in Asia Minor. Equally, the Greek-...
欧洲文化入门Europe Culture 1 Greek Culture and Roman Culture MapofEurope GreekCultureandRomanCulture TheHistoricalContextsSocialandPoliticalStructureHomerPhilosophyArchitectureSculptureImpact TheHistoricalContexts 1200B.C.awarwasfoughtbetweenGreeceandTroy,endinginthedestructionofTroy....
ThemapofextentoftheRomanEmpire RomanHistory---ImportantDates 753B.C.510B.C.264B.C.146B.C.27B.C.TheCityRomewasbuilt.TheRomansexpelledtheEtruscankingfromRomeandfoundedtheRepublic.RomanconqueredallItaly.RomanconqueredGreece.OctaviusbecametheemperorofAugustus.Later,RomanEmpirereacheditsgreatest.260Romanwas...
Greek Architecture希腊建筑 It has been said that captive Greece conquered victorious Rome, and, as we have seen, the Romans adopted many ideas in painting and sculpture from the Greeks.Roman temples were also strongly influenced by Greek prototypes. Greek columns were built in thre...
instrument of Romanization. The first overseas Latin colony, Italica, was founded in Spain at the end of the Second Punic War, for wounded veterans of the great campaigns there. Over the next two centuries colonies for Roman veterans were founded in Gaul, Greece, North Africa and Asia Minor....