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Roman Numeral converter is a free tool to convert Latin numbers to roman numerals and vise versa. you can convert values from 1 to 4999 just try a converter. Simply type the number in the above field and hit enter then you will see the result in the right field, if you want to revers...
Portraits of Roman emperors are traditionally recognised by their unique coiffure patterns, a method that runs the risk of ignoring portraits that do not cohere to the standardised image of the emperor. This article investigates whether it is possible to
So long as they worshipped and made offerings in the right way and in the right amount, they believed that the deities would protect them from harm. Delving into Roman mythology involves an exploration of its origins, key figures, and the values it espouses. A significant part of this under...
It is believed that levels of economic performance in the Roman world peaked around the2nd centuryceand were not surpassed until well into the early modern period. While a range of data exists offering information on economic processes in antiquity (e.g., consumer goods, coins, containers used...
This study analysed the effects a values education programme can have on the feelings of self‐realisation, self‐concept and self‐esteem of Romany adolescents in southern Spain. To do this, an experimental group received a values education intervention but a control group did not. The ...
This volume is fundamentally concerned with agricultural laborers and their place in Roman society. In particular, it focuses on incidences of social breakdown as they relate to the world of the Roman agricultural laborer. Whether these people were slave or free, provincials or Roman citizens, ...
Vows are often suscepta.Under the tetrarchy there is some question about whether vows on their coins are suscepta or soluta. When coins are TRP dated we don't have that problem. I think this coin and other evidence suggest vows are most often suscepta--issued as soon as the vows could...
56As it is, stones may con-ceal deposits of potsherds, broken glass, low-value coins, lime, gypsum, ash, charcoal–or nothing at all.Siculus Flaccus traces the practice back to a practiceapud antiquosof performinga burnt sacrifice to Terminus before anointed and garlanded boundary stones, ...
Detail of the Roman walls Roman tower Inner face of Roman walls Medieval fortress Medieval moat Tudor gun Castle interior with chapel ruins Reconstruction of Anderitum Ballista bolt head Fibula brooch Horse bridle fitting Coins of Carausius Fragment of Roman south wall Roman west gate (inner view)...