Volume XLIX Number 4 March 3, 2005 Roman Catholicism Jason Longstreth Introduction the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall The Roman Catholic Church . . . in many parts of the away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits world, this name is considered to ...
"Communion" in the hand is part of the whole "Motu" system, which offers a kind of Half Novus Ordo. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Official Traditional Catholic Directory department, provided to the TRADITIO Network by the National Registry of Traditional Latin Masses,...
The inerrancy of Scripture is common ground for Protestants and Roman Catholics.[1]However, its interpretation is not. In fact, Catholic apologist Robert Sungenis asserts: “the written Word cannot cry out to you, ‘Wait! You have misinterpreted me!’ But the Church can.”[2]Thus, Roman Ca...
Welcome A Roman Catholic Community of Benedictine Monks Celebrating the Mass of the Ages in The Traditional Latin Rite.
This same Office is chanted by monks in traditional monasteries and nuns in traditional convents, and is recited by members of lay orders and devout Catholic faithful. To give praise and glory to God throughout the hours of the day in the name of the Church, the clergy are placed under ...
33 Articles Concerning Union With The Roman Church The Union of Brest' In 1996, the Ukrainian Catholic Church commemorated the 400th anniversary of its "reunion" with the Roman Catholic Church, an event known as the Union Of Brest' because it was officially proclaimed in the year 1596 in ...
Roman Catholicism - Monasticism, Orders, Canons: Interest in the humanity of Christ and the desire to live the apostolic life in imitation of him influenced religious orders in the 12th century. The reformed orders of canons represent one aspect of this
Roman Catholicism - Monasticism, Clergy, Laity: Religious communities in the Roman Catholic Church consist of groups of men or women who live a common life and pronounce the three vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience (the evangelical counsels). Membe
Roman Catholicism - Dogmas, Doctrines, Beliefs: The Roman Catholic Church in its formula of baptism still asks that the parents and godparents of infants to be baptized recite the Apostles’ Creed as a sign that they accept the basic doctrines of the chu