The inerrancy of Scripture is common ground for Protestants and Roman Catholics.[1]However, its interpretation is not. In fact, Catholic apologist Robert Sungenis asserts: “the written Word cannot cry out to you, ‘Wait! You have misinterpreted me!’ But the Church can.”[2]Thus, Roman Ca...
In A.D. 325 Constantine called the Council of Nicea and the Nicene Creed was adopted as the standard for Christianity. This firmly established the Catholic Church as a man-made religion. The Pope It was also in A.D. 325 that another interesting devel- opment took place. That year, the...
even though they may have some Latin in them. They have many prayers missing. They use not the traditional Catholic calendar, but a modified calendar, from which Saints such as St. Christopher, St. Barbara, St. Philomena, and many others are stricken off. They have many other ...
Roman Catholicism - Paraliturgical Devotions: In the Roman Catholic Church, liturgy in the proper sense is the liturgy of the mass, the divine office, and the sacraments. For hundreds of years, however, the Latin language, the clerical character of the l