Holy Sites Walking Tour As the cradle of the Catholic Church, one of the world's largest organizations, Rome has a large number of valuable, sacred places of worship. Crowded with architectural splendors from different periods of time, each of its churches and basilicas represent a significant ...
莱姆河畔的纽卡斯尔: 圣三一罗马天主教堂(Newcastle-under-Lyme: Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church) 圣迈克尔教堂蓝匾, 里吉斯莱姆(St Michael"s Church blue plaque, Lyme Regis) 大天使圣迈克尔教堂, 里吉斯莱姆(Church of St Michael the Archangel, Lyme Regis) 装货单. 迈克尔教堂, 里吉斯莱姆(St. Michae...
by which time there may have been a Christian majority, or near it, in some cities of Asia Minor and Roman Africa, while progress had been substantial in Gaul and Egypt. The faith had demonstrated its appeal to people of differentculturesand environments; the church could becatholic, universal...