Catholic bishops of Georgia, the executive director for the conference promotes public policy positions related to Georgia governmental programs, legislation and policies which affect the common good and interest of the Catholic Church. The GCC works at the appropriate level of government for legislation...
The parable of the good shepherd tells of the pastor who so loves each of his sheep that he will do all, risk all, go to any pains, to save one member of his flock that is lost or in danger. To his everlasting shame, and to the shame of the Catholic Church, Pacelli disdained to...
The inerrancy of Scripture is common ground for Protestants and Roman Catholics.[1]However, its interpretation is not. In fact, Catholic apologist Robert Sungenis asserts: “the written Word cannot cry out to you, ‘Wait! You have misinterpreted me!’ But the Church can.”[2]Thus, Roman Ca...
Join now to post your own prayer request, it's FREE: we are a Catholic organization. JOIN THE COMMUNITY Recent Discussions Join the conversation inour community! hazcompaton January 13th, 2025 Ineffable “The perfection of learning is to know God in such a way that, though you realize he ...
”) Because of this lack of education, many Catholics are starved for knowledge and abandon the feel-good. puff sermons found in many Catholic Churches for the Bible heavy sermon of the Protestant churches. Archbishop Chaput was asked once during an interview how he would bring young Catholics ...
AnnMarie Creedon The Roman(tic) Catholic Tweet Clare’s Costly Cookie, published by Nativity Press, is the sweet story of a young girl and her developing relationship with Jesus. Written as a series of prayerful conversations between Clare and Jesus, it is a wonderful tool for teaching childr...
As we had these prayer meetings, we also continued to attend Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes. There was a problem beginning. After the Charismatic Mass a whole crowd of us would meet in the next hall for our Sunday prayer meetings. However, there began disputes about Catholic doctrine and the...
Usually, the Catholic funeral rite is divided into several parts, each with its own purpose. During this pandemic, the typical funeral rite is simplified to one. As a Catholic religious priest, I am only allowed to do “un responso,” a last prayer for the deceased. ...
In the article, The Roman Catholic Takeover of America,  I explain that Roman Catholic Takeover of a nation happens in three phases: Phase I – A crusade of prayer, claiming a country for the Virgin Mary. Phase II – Dedication of the country to the Virgin Mary. Phase ...
in Daniel 2 and that one leg/wing represents the Roman/Latin Catholic west with the other the Eastern/Greco/Byzantine east. Cardinal Ratzinger also seems to be teaching that the “Holy Roman Empire” is the last part of the image of Daniel 2 and he is suggesting that it is a good ...